Adressing Security Challenges in LLMs

Jun 30, 2023

The rise of AI has brought significant security challenges that demand our attention.
Our team is actively working to tackle these concerns, ensuring that the AI systems we’re building are robust, secure, and trustworthy. 

In this guide, we’ll tell you more about them, and give you a grasp of some techniques you can follow to mitigate them.

Security challenges you should watch out for

  • Prompt Poisoning: When attackers manipulate LLMs to introduce hidden vulnerabilities or biased behaviors. They do this by adding poisoned samples to compromise the model's performance or decision-making and can lead to compromised system security.

  • Data Extraction: When attackers exploit vulnerabilities in LLMs to access confidential or private information, risking user privacy and security. Attack techniques include query-based attacks, where the prompt generates inappropriate or offensive text, membership inference to determine if an example was part of the training data, and model inversion to reveal sensitive information.

  • Model Evasion: An attack that involves manipulating inputs to trick or mislead LLMs with the goal to make the models produce incorrect or biased predictions. Model evasion attacks can have serious consequences, including spreading misinformation, compromising system integrity, or undermining the reliability of LLMs.

  • Adversarial Attacks: An attack where inputs are carefully crafted to exploit vulnerabilities in language models. Unlike model evasion attacks, adversarial attacks take into consideration the LLM architecture and can manifest in various forms, such as adding perturbations, modifying input context, or leveraging semantic ambiguities.

  • Impersonation Attacks: An attack that involves attempting to deceive LLMs by generating inputs or prompts that imitate the behavior of legit users. Attackers aim to gain unauthorized access, disclose sensitive information, or misuse the capabilities of LLMs for malicious purposes.

Top 5 strategies to enhance security in LLMs

We believe addressing these security challenges require innovative solutions that prioritize user privacy while also harnessing the full potential of LLMs. There’s no one-size-fit all.  It really depends on your organization’s needs. However, here are the top 5 key strategies you can follow:

  • 🤖 Secure the training process of your model: By employing techniques like adversarial retraining, models are trained on both legitimate data and adversarial examples, enhancing their resilience against attacks. Additionally, implementing measures such as differential privacy and federated learning protects sensitive information during training.

  • 🛠 Keep it custom: By implementing prompt middleware, you can gain greater control and customization over the behavior of a language model. With privacy as a priority, prompt middleware allows companies to fine-tune the model according to their specific needs and privacy preferences, ensuring a customizable and privacy-enhanced environment.

  • 🔒Keep it confidential: By leveraging homomorphic encryption and secure multi-party computation protocols, LLMs can operate on encrypted data and perform computations without exposing sensitive information. These techniques ensure the confidentiality of user data and enable processing of sensitive information from various sources.

  • 💾 Host models on your side: Hosting your own models provides greater control over data security and privacy by allowing direct oversight of the infrastructure and data handling practices. This strategy is especially important for organizations dealing with sensitive or confidential information, as it allows them to implement tailored security measures, access controls, and encryption protocols.

  • 🔑 Beware of impersonations: By utilizing multi-factor authentication, biometric verification techniques, and behavior analysis, organizations can establish user identity and detect impersonation attempts. These measures help protect against unauthorized access and ensure the authenticity of users.


The security challenges regarding LLMs require proactive measures to protect user privacy, ensure system integrity, and mitigate the risks posed by malicious actors. By implementing innovative solutions, organizations can enhance the security and privacy of LLMs while leveraging their capabilities effectively. As AI continues to evolve, it is crucial to prioritize security and privacy to build robust and trustworthy AI systems that benefit us all.

If you want to know more or collaborate with us, contact us!